Selfie Lights: Not Just For Influencers
In today's day and age, ring lights are a perfect way to shine a light on you and your brand!
There are millions of influencers out there on platforms like Instagram and YouTube. There are also millions of people working from home, as, according to statistics, 4.7 million people were before the COVID-19 pandemic, and 25% to 30% of the workforce will be by the end of the year.
While the roles, industries and goals of all of these people differ, they all must have work stations that help them stay productive and maintain professionalism. Something that can truly assist in this area is a selfie light.
As the name suggests, these lights can indeed make a selfie look even better, providing ample lighting, no matter where a photo is being taken. Therefore, social media users and streamers have been using them for years.
In the past year, though, these tech gadgets have become more popular than ever, as shutdowns and stay-at-home orders led to more Zoom meetings and Facetiming. As The Atlantic said, “The recent mad dash of those in the work-from-home class to crib influencers’ methods happened for a reason that YouTubers and TikTokers understood long before many of the people now haphazardly emulating them did: No one wants to look bad online.”
However, this is not just about vanity. This is also about respect, experience and reliability — all things important in all jobs.
Selfie ring lights can be utilized during conference calls and budget meetings, as teams come together online from various locations. They are handy for social media, as they make products and promotions look even prettier. And they are great for interviews, video calls and virtual events, too, illuminating you and your brand. Plus, this is a hands-free tool that can be customized with your logo and given to clients, employees and fans, as seen through the following products:
This webcam ring light is powered by USB, features a versatile clip/swivel ball and offers three lighting modes and 10 brightness levels.
This ring light with phone holder has a clamp with a long extension rod and a separate cell phone holder with its own adjustable positioning rod.
This clip ring light enhances lighting during video calls and livestreams, whether at home or on the go, due to its compact and portable size.
This selfie light comes with a stand and features three light modes.