Effective Employee Retention = Effective Employee Recognition

Oct 18, 2023

The average employee stays at one job for just four years (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Labor shortages remain a top concern for 80 percent of businesses (Society for Human Resource Management)...

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5 Steps to a Successful Gift With Purchase Promotion

Feb 09, 2022

The Power of Gift With Purchase for Retail Brands Austin, Texas: We have worked with dozens of retail brands on their gift with purchase promotions. They are effective because they work in a var...

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What is the Best Referral Gift for Your Business?

Mar 19, 2021

Deciding on Whether to Give Cash vs Gifts for Referrals is Simple Austin, TX Referrals are the lifeblood of many businesses. The simple act of asking a satisfied client for a referral can incre...

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How Can My Company Run An Incentive Program?

Jan 24, 2019

Learn why to start one, what to consider, how to implement the program and what types of rewards to use - all with tips from GeekTechBranding.com! By Robert Piller Why to create an incentive p...

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A Guide To Incentive Marketing

Jan 14, 2019

Turn to Geek Tech Branding, the go-to source for promotional products, for tips on how to run a successful incentive program! By Robert Piller The Cincinnati Reds are exempt from paying taxes ...

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In-Office Safety Programs: 3 Tips For Success

Nov 19, 2018

Every year, more than 4.1 million workers suffer a serious job-related injury or illness, so having a safety program within your office is vital. In order to keep your office educated and safe, we ...

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Why a Gift With Purchase Can Be a Very Successful Marketing Strategy For You

Feb 04, 2015

Have You Tested a Gift With Purchase Strategy Recently? Austin, TX: Many of my clients come to me when they are looking for ideas to boost their sales, but few have tried a Gift With Purchase.. M...

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Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Increase Your Awareness of your Marketplace

Mar 22, 2013

Austin, Texas: Are you tired of the same ideas flowing from your brain–and those of your associates and staff. Do you have a perception of your marketplace that may be different from your cu...

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Are You Using Story Telling to Convey Your Marketing Message?

Dec 14, 2012

Are you telling your company story? What is Your Company Story – and How are You Telling It to Communicate Your Marketing Message? Austin, Texas Have you ever gone to a networking func...

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Is Poor Customer Service Costing You Sales?

Nov 06, 2012

Tips to Improve Your Company’s Customer Service Austin, Texas: How hard is it to get customer service right? I mean “really” right. Too many companies judge the performance of ...

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Are You Training Your Customers to Wait for a Discount Before Making a Purchase?

Apr 02, 2012

Creating Greater Customer Loyalty at Retail Austin, Texas: As a consumer products company, what are you doing to create greater customer loyalty? Attractive retail displays? Newspaper ads? Mult...

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In This Economy, How Are You Retaining Customers?

Aug 22, 2011

Austin, Texas: Last week, while dealing with one of my best vendors, they dropped the ball on an order. OK. Nobody is perfect. Mistakes happen. When I called them to discuss the displeasure that ...

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How To Choose The Right Gifts For Your Next Incentive Program?

Jul 18, 2011

Austin, Texas: Last week, while working with a Fortune 500 company in finalizing their gift options for their latest sales incentive program, I was struck by how often the gifts that are chosen for...

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C-Store Fountain Drink Promotion Includes A Free Music Download

Jun 14, 2011

Texas-based Valero has just kicked off its latest fountain drink promotion at its Corner Store locations to increase demand during the summer. With each purchase of a 44-ounce fountain drink at on...

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Which Approach Works Better for Safety Incentives: Group Performance or Individual Achievement?

May 25, 2011

Safety Program Incentives: Group vs. Individual Goals When putting together safety incentive programs for my clients, one of the first criteria is to determine how rewards (or awards) will be ...

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Hotels Need Better Promotions to Encourage More Wi-Fi and Gym Usage

May 17, 2011

While staying at a Las Vegas resort hotel recently, I was disappointed at being “nickel and dimed” for every little bit of service that I normally get for free elsewhere. First, I had ...

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Tangible Awards Significantly Outperform Cash Awards and Incentives

Oct 28, 2010

It’s the old cash vs. tangible award decision that companies have to make when designing an incentive program. When you ask employees what type of awards they would prefer, they will almos...

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New Gift Card Rules Go Into Effect

Aug 24, 2010

Outlined in legislation passed by Congress last year, new consumer-friendly gift card regulations took effect on Sunday. The rules, passed as part of the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility a...

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Mobile Phones Are Essential For Reaching College Market

Aug 07, 2010

Plan to go mall shopping without using your mobile phone as your personal assistant? Well, you might be in the minority soon, according to several studies. According to a recent study by the Princ...

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We Know Incentives

Jun 04, 2010

With over 35 years in the incentive business, I have been involved in thousands of incentive programs in most industries and for all types of reasons: Employee Incentives Sales Incentives Safe...

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