Re-Purpose Your Products for Increased Sales and Revenue
Austin, Texas The Wall Street Journal had a recent story about how old videogames are coming back as apps for iPhones and tablets–bringing with it easy riches for the companies that are dusting off old treasures.
Sometimes as marketers, we are too quick to jump on the “next big thing” instead of reminding ourselves of our own bread and butter products and services.
Everybody wants something new- or at least that is what we are told.
But how many downloads of Donkey Kong, Pong, Sonic the Hedgehog and other games will be downloaded this year–reaping the original companies tens of millions of dollars?
There are companies that buy old brands and re-introduce them– such as candy bars, beers, etc. People feel a certain comfort level from seeing a “familiar” brand – even if that familiar brand hasn’t been around in 30 years.
Do you have any products that can be re-introduced?
Look through your warehouses.
Browse through old catalogs.
Look through old invoices and customer records and see what treasures may be hidden in your own company.
Can it be reintroduced as-is — or with a slight change to the packaging?
Can the artwork and graphics be modernized – or is it good as is.
Can you re-purpose it from analog to digital?
One of our oil distributor/c-store clients recently re-introduced their old punchcard loyalty programs recently– using an actual physical card and physical hole punch — and customers loved it. They plan to roll it out on all of their stores.
Call it nostalgia.
Call it “taking our country back”.
Call it going back to the basics.
Call it what you will.
But hopefully you will call it profitable.