Is Your Marketing Keeping Up with Mobile Searches?

  • Oct 8, 2015

For the First Time in History, Mobile Searches Surpass Desktop Searches At Google…So What Does That Mean For Your Marketing Efforts?


Austin, Texas: Marketers are always trying to increase sales and widen their lead funnel.

Unfortunately, too many companies are still trying to increase sales through older, or inferior marketing channels and poor execution.

For the first time ever, mobile searches exceeded desktop searches on Google, according to this post on Tech Crunch.

Is your website mobile-friendly?  Have you tested it?

You cannot assume that people will only visit your site in front of their giant screens at work any longer.  That thinking is antiquated and will result in lost sales opportunities.

We get emails and online orders at at all hours of the day and night– weekdays and weekends– and our Analytics show that we are at 55% mobile for orders and 53% for Google Searches and Bing Searches.

We have spent tens of thousands of dollars revamping our website to make it mobile-friendly…and it had already paid off handsomely for us.  And it is still a work in progress.

There is no point spending your marketing dollars to bring people to your website –only to find out that it just does not fit –or work properly on smartphones.

People do not want to scroll all the way across your page, and use their fingers to enlarge every element of your website.  They will just come to your website and leave–in milliseconds.

Before you start your soul searching wondering why your online sales have dried up, take a look at your website on a variety of smartphones and tablets– and put yourself in the shoes of your prospects.

Would you buy from your website?  Now, be very honest with yourself and look again.

If not, go back to the drawing board in making the user experience more simple.

Start with your website.

Then build from there.

Happy Marketing!


  • Category: Marketing
  • Tags: google searches, Marketing, marketing online, mobile friendly website