In-Office Safety Programs: 3 Tips For Success
Every year, more than 4.1 million workers suffer a serious job-related injury or illness, so having a safety program within your office is vital. In order to keep your office educated and safe, we recommend the following tips for running a successful safety program.
Before you introduce the program to your office, make sure the goals, budget and objectives are all planned out and ready to communicate in a clear and effective way.
When deciding what type of program will work best for your office (anything from having professionals come in and holding a couple of lectures to curriculum with worksheets and online lessons), think of the biggest safety concerns that are present. See which areas/procedures in your workplace need to be updated, changed or reiterated. Decide on the categories that employees need further education and motivation on, when it comes to safety.
When you do announce the program to your employees, make sure they understand how important the information will be. Then, you can continue to advertise the program by hanging posters, publishing the news in company literature, sending out an overview via email and/or creating a bulletin board dedicated to the effort. You could even hand out promotional products at the beginning of it all, such as key finders, notepads or power banks, in order to excite people.
Furthermore, you should stock up on other tech-related safety products and prizes, and you should make sure everyone knows about these incentives - which leads us to our final tip.
While the knowledge gained in such a program should be reward enough, incentivize program participants in a meaningful way.
For some, a point system may work best. For instance, if your budget has established a maximum of $50 per worker to be used during this program, this system would result in earning one point (worth $1) for every week a worker is accident and injury free. Fifty weeks of this will lead to a safety-related prize and to a full year of no accidents/injuries - meaning you have spent $50 but gained tons (since employers pay almost $1 billion per week for direct workers' compensation costs alone).
Of course, some friendly competition is always nice, too, so your awards could be based on the efforts of teams you create in the office. Whatever you choose, just make sure to communicate your objectives, goals and benefits clearly. Then, as the program is going, you can recognize jobs well done on that bulletin board we mentioned earlier, in company newsletters, at meetings, via social media and with gifts.
At the end, consider having an awards banquet or a party of some sort, to celebrate and to mark the end of the program. This will remind your office how important safety is and reward them for their hard work. Good luck, and stay safe!