Choosing the Right Promotional Gifts for Your Customer Holiday Gifts
Tips on Selecting the Most Appropriate Promotional Holiday Gifts for Customers
Austin, Texas: It is now the beginning of Holiday gift buying and planning in the corporate world – and we get dozens of requests each day asking for ideas on selecting the right promotional gifts for customers.
Here are some proven suggestions I recommend when trying to find the right promotional gifts for your clients:
1) Divide your clients into A-B-C D lists. Not all clients have the same value to you –so run your numbers, look over your reports and separate your list into 3 categories . It can be based on sales for that year, profitability, potential sales volume for next year, etc.
2) Your A list is your Top 5 Percenters.
Choose personal gifts for those on your A list. Know or learn their hobbies, favorite restaurants, favorite golf course, etc. and get them a gift that is individualized for them. These are your top clients–treat them as such.
3) Usually the B group is comprised of your Top 5-20% customer list.
Choose a high quality gift for your B clients. Determine the lifetime value of this customer and order accordingly. Right now, we are doing hundreds of orders of imprinted Bluetooth speakers, custom printed headphones and high end promotional power chargers for the B group.
Send a personalized card with the gift too. That little extra effort goes a long way.
4) Your C group can be your your 20-35 Percenters.
Perhaps they have potential value. Perhaps they are solid and long-term clients. This group should be gifted–but your budget can go with a 2200mAh promotional power charger or imprinted laptop sleeve instead of higher end items. They will still appreciate the gesture and hopefully keep you top of mind for the future.
5) Send a card to those on the D list.
6) Remember, keep the card and the wrapping paper seasonal festive–but not religious.
Respect everyone’s choice of religious preference and this is not the time to stress your own beliefs.
True, it is Christmas and/or Hanukkah. But the season is filled with joy and celebration by many faiths.
These are Holiday gifts — not your opportunity to preach or to proselytize. That can defeat the goodwill you are trying to create in the first place.
7) Have fun playing Santa!
It is your one time of the year to show your appreciation and show your kindness.
Have fun choosing your corporate Holiday gifts.
Choose your promotional gifts wisely.
Happy Gifting!