5 Tools For Remote Work
Now, more than ever, employees need support, as they work from home and continue to strive for excellence.
Remote work. Freelancers. Working from home. Entrepreneurship. This is a growing area, and there was a 159% increase in remote work between the years of 2005 and 2017. In today’s time, over four million people work from home, and that number has gone up extremely in the past few days, due to COVID-19.
Therefore, brands are thinking, more than ever, about how to support their teams from afar:
In this strange time, people are being more sympathetic to employees’ feelings and needs, as this pandemic can have an effect on mental health.
Technology is being utilized in creative ways, such as teaching classes over Skype or using Google Hangouts as an alternative to the office break room.
And executives and managers are trying to equip employees with tools that allow businesses to run as effectively as possible. Therefore, consider gifting everyone with promotional products such as the following.
Webcam covers are a form of cybersecurity. With many people working from home and perhaps even on their personal computers/laptops, this is a smart way to keep everyone safe and secure.
Charging cables are vital in today’s tech-driven world, as they help keep all of our gadgets juiced up and ready to go.
More remote conference calls are happening right now, so a high-quality speaker is very important for employees to have.
Casual Fridays are a thing of the past, as many people are currently working in the PJs, all day and every day! That being said, consider stocking teams up with branded athleisure clothing, which will look more professional on any video calls that take place.
Last but not least, hand out that hand sanitizer to anyone and everyone. The fact that these bottles can all be customized with your brand name and logo means that you are doing your part in fighting this virus and marketing, too!