10 Promotional Swag Items That Millennials Will Want & Use
Market To Teens & Young Adults Through Tech-Related Promotional Products
Millennials - born between 1980 and the early 2000s - have been described as open-minded, self-expressive and receptive to new ideas and new ways of living. They are educated, they are ambitious, and they spend $2 trillion every year - meaning you should be marketing to this generation! In order for your business to reach out to and connect with this age group, we suggest the following 10 promotional swag items:
- Phone Chargers - Millennials are quite in sync with digital technologies, so any tech item is a good way to go when thinking about what to give out to this generation. With a power bank or phone charger, they can stay on the go, while keeping all of their devices charged.
- Water Bottle/Wireless Speaker Combo - Combo items are a great idea, too, since this crowd likes instant gratification and quick results - meaning a two-in-one promotional item (also related to technology) will please them!
- Noise Cancelling Headphones - Millennials have been described as being selfish, and part of this may come from the fact that they are so wrapped up in their own things; instead of making conversation while riding public transportation, they just want to zone out and catch up on TV shows. These noise-cancelling earbuds can help with that.
- Universal Travel Adapters - This generation loves to travel, and a power adapter makes charging up their phones and devices simple.
- Fitness Trackers - Millennials exercise more and smoke less than previous generations, using apps to stay active and well, so fitness trackers make for some great swag
- Earbuds - Music and podcasts are important to young people , and custom branded earbuds will keep your logo in front of them for years.
- Selfie Ring Lights - Some may consider posting regular selfies to be narcissistic, but this generation is always online; this means they can see your digital ads, leave you reviews and make purchases through your website...and they can also get some good lighting in while taking pics!
- Pop Sockets - Similarly, this age group wants to use pop sockets - the little buttons that help to hold phones easily - so handing these out is another good idea for promotions.
- Phone Wallets - Millennials are always on the go. In fact, they’d rather travel than buy a house! And when they are going from place to place, they have a phone in hand, so a phone wallet will let them be able to carry their money and IDs, too!
- Massage Guns - Last but not least, massage guns have been sweeping the country for this very physically-fit demographic.
Millennials. Generation Y. Echo Boomers. The dates may vary for when these people were born, and the exact characteristics they possess may be argued in article after article, but one thing is for sure: This large, expressive and influential age group is familiar with communications, media and digital technologies. The members of this category are online, ready to see and interact with you digitally and ready to be handed some tech-related swag!